Overseas Scholarship Hunting Tips

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Since A. Fuadi, author Negeri 5 Menara appear in Kick Andy Metro TV in May 2010 and Face to Face TVOne in August, many questions about tips on how he got 8 scholarships from abroad. He received a scholarship ranging from 1 semester fellowship program at the National University of Singapore, the exchange program to Quebec, Canada, to the masters program at George Washington University, USA and University of London, UK. Fuadi time to divide these tips in his twitter account @ fuadi1. The following compilation of tweets that:

1. There must be intent and desire of a large and very strong for the scholarship. Due to a struggle which is full of competition.

2. But know many scholarships available everywhere in various forms, duration and recipients. This scholarship is sometimes less publicity.

3. Due to lack of publicity, our task for the scene looking for. I used to love wandering to many educational exhibits, offices for nanya-nanya.

4. So important step is a strong intention to set a scene to find info anywhere. Scholarships that much really.

5. Now the scene looking information is easy. Search on google. Join the mailing list or Facebook scholarship Scholarship. I used the internet ga. CLICK "READ MORE" for tips No. 11 to 56.

6. Until here I want to say, scholarships do not come alone, but must be sought with all the effort. Man must Jadda Wajada.

7. Scholarship that I discuss is what to do with foreign countries. Because I do not ever be out of the country.

8. According to the scholarship I was more because of the earnest. Not as clever. Bannyak which can ga clever.

9. Usually when it earnestly looking information, within 6-8 months we've been able candidates applying for scholarships that we can.

10. bona fide source of scholarship among others to US Fulbright, Chevening to UK, Manbusho to Japan and ADS to Australia. In addition, many others.

11. Each scholarship has differing requirements. But stepnya almost the same: tell application, the selection board, and interviews. If it passes, fly deh :)

12. Ok, now it can assume full info. The first step is filling out an application and complete the required paperwork.

13. Remember the first scholarship was contested by many people. Such as the Fulbright, one seat up for grabs until thousands of people.

14. Initial selection via the application. Because of the tight competition, write the application as quickly as possible. Thousands of applications and only the privileged who get noticed.

15. I need until weeks just to ngisi 2 page application. Make sure samauanya error free and strong. This is our only chance to impress.

16. Terms of age, GPA, grades Toefl etc disparate each scholarship, so please check to scholarship each.

17. If the scholarship application has been sent, please start looking for schools and passing notes at the university. So there are two applications: scholarship and the application to the school.

18. If the application feasible, would be called for written test n interview. Chevening if there is a written test and discuss, if Fulbright directly to the interview.

19. Written test Chevening knockout. Who do not pass the test one can not take the test to 2. The pass will be called for interview.

20. Before the interview, practice answer those questions, read and hear everything in b. English a few days before the interview will help. Enough sleep and relax.

21. Once called in the interview room, relax. The interviewer considers a friend who will hear our story. Be honest. Show your passion.

22. So there are 2 chance of selling themselves. In the application and at the time of interview. On the second occasion; honest, passion, confident, and tell all our strengths.

23. Each scholarship is different, but generally cover the tuition, living expenses, return ticket, Toefl test costs and language courses. The husband / wife is not always on the cover.

24. There is a Fellow good to download and purchase a laptop cover, thesis research costs, the husband / wife. Please check each with a scholarship for details.

25. Ok, can already scholarships and how? There should be a school that has received us, can only be set off. If no, yes forced to wait first.

26. Already scholarships and schools, but not enough to pay tuition scholarship how? Must find additional scholarships or money alone.

27. If it can be a scholarship from a bona fide, seek additional easier. able to corporates, foundations, and even to the campus that will thank us.

28. Campus US & UK has bwragam additional scholarships. Nothing special for women, for the Asian people, for disabled people, etc. to a third country.

29. Find the first major scholarship, if not enough, many opportunities can be additional scholarships. Check the Ford Foundation, one could love.

30. Generally the scholarship opportunities for those who already have work experience. Civil servants, women, journalists, NGO, of East Indonesia could be even greater opportunities.

31. Scholarship I'm talking diverse: there is a short 3-9 month, usually fellowship / exchange program, there are for S1, S2 exist, and there is S3.

32. The good big scholarship, no contract bhw behind lg receiver to Indonesia a few years, let me not brain drain.

33. There are even scholarships require recipients corporate work in the company, such as in Singapore. After graduating college in the US must work 18 months.

34. Well for those who have not graduated from college what? There kok scholarship opportunities can be short. I can 2 short scholarship before graduating S1.

35. Semester 6 I can exchange program to Canada and half 9 I can fellowship to NUS Singapore. 6-9 months duration. So do not wait for graduation!

36. Create banyk shortcourse for professional employees. I never could fellowship in the United Arab Maryland. Pulitzer same class. So when I can.

37. So the definitions of scholarship that I discuss are all learning activities of our overseas dibayarin others. Free. Not necessarily to the degree.

38. There are scholarships are only for people who have never attended school in LN. But there is also the fact trust and give to people who have scholarships too.

39. For the latest information of various scholarships to be diligent nyari-nyari, but could also join in FB, there is a scholarship account, also in the group "scholarship" in yahoogroups.

40. For those who are still in college, try IPKnya pretty good, because there are scholarships S2 and S3 set a minimum GPA. around 3:00 is quite safe.

41. So it's a combination of scholarships can be strong intention + trade above the average for the research and preparation nyari + + + passionate honest + do not forget DOA and SINCERE.

42. Create a campus activist, Higher Education have exchange program to China, Aussi and the Netherlands. Please contact the rector ato Higher Education.

43. Create a large company employees, see the company website, there is sometimes a fellowship program to move into offices in LN few months.

44. I've finished the interviewer. We like honest, articulate and has great determination. Not like the same arrogant, lazy, and Lebai.

45. In order ga nervous during the interview, do not rush, think first and responsibilities. There should be eye contact with the interviewer. Show ur spirit!

46. ​​As an interviewer that we are looking for is great for people who are determined to use scholarships as well as possible, and what he was able to have it.

47. As an interviewer that we are looking for is what this person can bring benefits for bilateral relations in a broad sense.

48. As an interviewer that we like people who have a research and do Reviews their homework about the scholarship, field of study and the destination country.

49. I like to take clippings writing or other work me into the interview room. Show to the interviewer. Seeing is believing.

50. The limited interview time, tell all our strenght, select the words straightforward and to the point. But do not boast. Rehearse at home.

51. When the interviewer meeting, participants considered every little effort. So usahalah above rata2, Go the extra miles, do not forget DOA.

52. Skill England is measured by TOEFL or IELTS. The score depends scholarship, university and studies. Toefl ranges from 550 up to 600.

53. Ease can Chevening, ADS, and some others, the recipient can free sebelm college English courses. Good quality and so many friends.

54. Penerma bona fide scholarship valued at college and the workplace. Credit if the university can accept or Chevening Fulbright recipients.

55. Failing to 1-2 times do not stop. Think just exercise. High competition. Try again. Worth it really ngulang many times. Man Sabara zafira.

56. Like the other things I believe could fellowship is a combination of strong intention effort over rata2 + + + sincere prayer. Everything is possible.

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